Company Information




Topia will continue to challenge various changes and demands to accomplish a prosperous future

Achieve “carbon neutrality by 2050,” and the future beyond ...
Toward the realization of a prosperous future, Topia will work together with stakeholders. At the same time, we will accelerate our sustainability management by being aware and responsible for changes and demands of the environment, people, and society.

Sustainability Report 2024

We believe that embodying the “trust” of our customers and stakeholders is essential for Topia's sustainable growth. Topia aims for the sustainable development of the Group by identifying material issues and integrating sustainability strategies with business growth strategies.

We intend to fulfill our social responsibility in response to various changes in the business environment. Specifically, we will work to strengthen our business foundations on a global basis, enhance our manufacturing system, respect human resources, build a production system that contributes to resource and energy conservation, and strengthen our risk management system with emphasis on business continuity.

Entire Report
(15.1 MB, 23 pages)

Message from the PresidentMESSAGE

Topia pursues sustainable growth and maximization of enterprise value as a leading company that constantly creates one step ahead of the times.
We will strengthen our sustainability management by co-creating with our stakeholders.

PDF1.0 MB, 2 pages

Company InformationCOMPANY

Since our establishment in 1973, the “Management Philosophy” of the “Spirit of the Pigeon,” “Responsibility of an Emergency Hospital,” and “Spirit of Challenge” has been the basic idea and foundation for the growth of Topia. The “Spirit of Challenge” is especially the foundation of our management, and our ability to follow and adapt to change is the key to our growth. We aim to be a company trusted by society through the promotion of business activities with fairness and integrity.

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Value Creation ModelCREATION

As a company that supports the cutting edge of manufacturing, this report illustrates Topia’s value creation story for sustainability initiatives. By implementing our three systems and six strengths, we aim to contribute to the development of a wide variety of manufacturing around the world and to a sustainable society.

PDF1.7 MB, 2 pages


Topia has identified four material factors that contribute to "sustainable enterprise and social growth." This was in order to achieve a balance between enterprise value and social value. Based on its materiality, we will strive to enhance our enterprise value by creating new businesses and reducing risks.

PDF0.8 MB, 4 pages

ESG Initiatives


We will work to accomplish a decarbonized society by striving to make effective use of limited resources, contributing to a circular economy, and introducing renewable energy.

PDF1.7 MB, 4 pages


Aiming for a sustainable society, we will emphasize cooperation with stakeholders such as customers, local communities, and suppliers in our business activities, and engage in social contribution activities that enrich both “people and society.”

PDF4.0 MB, 7 pages


We will promote fair and transparent corporate management by strengthening compliance and internal control functions. Based on its governance structure, we will strive to further enhance our enterprise value.

PDF1.2 MB, 1 page