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Introduction to Technology | Engineering


From design to series

Topia offers solutions for the whole automotive development. Starting from concept design and vehicle design,over prototype and low series manufacturing, until ramp-up support for the series production.
Topia's core business is the BIW development and manufacturing, but other sectors can be provided as well by using our broad partner network.


In concept design and vehicle design, we are able to assist with everything from sketches to design mock-ups and component design with a high level of skill.



Prototyping is Topia‘s core business. Our motto is to deliver satisfactory products by using construction methods that meet the customer’s objectives, not to mention delivery time and accuracy.  We can also handle vehicles that emphasize appearance, such as concept cars.


PDCA in Engineering

Leave all phases to Topia. We spare no effort in technology to deliver better products.

PDCA in Engineering